Numerous new features at Sen Village Festival 2016

( - As Sen Village Festival 2016 is upcoming, folk clubs in the whole Nam Dan district are urging to carefully prepare for every single detail of their performances in order to serve people with the best of them.

Attending a practice session of the folk club from Khanh Son commune, we saw the enthusiasm and dedication of members towards their hometown great festival, which were deeply expressed through their every glint and smile.

From the early morning, their singing accompanied on their musical instruments created a space of joy inside the cultural center of the commune. This club was founded in 2012, formerly known as the commune’s public art team which had performed many exciting activities since the 1980s. The folk as well as the love for folk are preserved and passed by tradition from one generation to another.
From the early morning, their singing accompanied on their musical instruments created a space of joy inside the cultural center of the commune. This club was founded in 2012, formerly known as the commune’s public art team which had performed many exciting activities since the 1980s. The folk as well as the love for folk are preserved and passed by tradition from one generation to another.
One of new features of art performances at Sen Village Festival 2016 is that repertories will be presented in various venues, each of which is located in each group of communes; instead of taking place centrally in only one stage at the center of the district.
One of new features of art performances at Sen Village Festival 2016 is that repertories will be presented in various venues, each of which is located in each group of communes; instead of taking place centrally in only one stage at the center of the district.
Mr. Pham Thuong Mai – Vice Chairman of Khanh Son People’s Committee (in green) and Mr. Ha Trung Duc – President of Folk Club of this commune are two key members who contributes greatly to keep the passion for the local culture and art movements.
Mr. Pham Thuong Mai – Vice Chairman of Khanh Son People’s Committee (in green) and Mr. Ha Trung Duc – President of Folk Club of this commune are two key members who contributes greatly to keep the passion for the local culture and art movements.
Ms. Le Thi Binh (Hamlet 8, Khanh Son commune) said that it was the fourth time she performed at Sen Village Festival, but her emotions towards the performances remained unchanged. Despite her experience, she still participated in all practice sessions and took them seriously since, as she shared, “singing at Sen Village Festival brings me a lot of emotions, including honor, pride and sacredness.”
Ms. Le Thi Binh (Hamlet 8, Khanh Son commune) said that it was the fourth time she performed at Sen Village Festival, but her emotions towards the performances remained unchanged. Despite her experience, she still participated in all practice sessions and took them seriously since, as she shared, “singing at Sen Village Festival brings me a lot of emotions, including honor, pride and sacredness.”
Performers were discussing about movements for the opening repertory. As scheduled, the folk club of Khanh Son would present two repertories: “Forever Beautiful 20” and “The Pilgrimage to Uncle Ho’s hometown”.
Performers were discussing about movements for the opening repertory. As scheduled, the folk club of Khanh Son would present two repertories: “Forever Beautiful 20” and “The Pilgrimage to Uncle Ho’s hometown”.
“Forever beautiful 20” is a music story recreating the life of Mr. Nguyen Tiem, a son of Nam Trung commune and the first Secretary of Provincial Party Committee of Nghe An. The performance had the usage of many props to fully express the art intentions of the performers.
“Forever beautiful 20” is a music story recreating the life of Mr. Nguyen Tiem, a son of Nam Trung commune and the first Secretary of Provincial Party Committee of Nghe An. The performance had the usage of many props to fully express the art intentions of the performers.
The “Director” of the club carefully instructed each movement for non-professional performers.
The “Director” of the club carefully instructed each movement for non-professional performers.
In the repertory “The Pilgrimage to Uncle Ho’s hometown”, the image of lotuses is the main artistic icon throughout the performance, replicating the homely and peaceful scenery of Uncle Ho’s hometown.
In the repertory “The Pilgrimage to Uncle Ho’s hometown”, the image of lotuses is the main artistic icon throughout the performance, replicating the homely and peaceful scenery of Uncle Ho’s hometown.
Non-professional actors and actresses, who are unionists and youths in Khanh Son commune, are very enthusiastic with activities in honor of Sen Village Festival. They all consider performing in this Festival a great happiness and pride for themselves.
Non-professional actors and actresses, who are unionists and youths in Khanh Son commune, are very enthusiastic with activities in honor of Sen Village Festival. They all consider performing in this Festival a great happiness and pride for themselves.

Reporters: Phuong Chi – Thanh Cuong

Translator: Hien Nguyen

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