The ones who work when we sleep

( - Life still continues relentlessly regardless of day or night. Let’s see who still work when we are falling into a deep sleep.

Railway Staff

Train is a very popular means of transport for long distance travel in Vietnam thanks to its economic cost and the nationwide system. Another reason attracting passengers to choose railway is that train speed is medium, which makes them feel safe and they can sleep along the way.

However, when passengers fall into sleep, railway staff still have to stay awake and are on their duty. They hardly have any seamless sleep because at each stop, they have to control and instruct passengers to get on or off, and check equipment in the train to make sure that they can operate appropriately.

A passenger management officer is responsible for control passengers who get on and off at train stops.
An officer is responsible for control passengers who get on and off at train stops.
Passengers are instructed to find way to their seats. Staff on the train and those at the station coordinate to control situation during the train arrival.
Passengers are instructed to find way to their seats. Staff on the train and those at the station coordinate to control situation during the train arrival.

Taxi drivers

Driving taxi is one of the hardest and the most dangerous job since the drivers have to work regardless the time and the destination customers want to go. They usually receive long distance inquiries at night. They also have to face the risks of unsafe traffic condition or being robbed regularly.

Being broken down is the regular situation of taxies because of their high operating frequency.
Being broken down is the regular situation of taxies because of their high operating frequency.
The taxies seem to be the second house of their drivers.
The taxies seem to be the second house of their drivers.

Sanitation workers

Rubbish is something inevitable wherever human’s activities exist. In order to keep our living environment clean, we need sanitation workers. Their work often starts when our lives slow down, from about 6pm to 2am. Just think about when we start a new day, the enormous quantity of rubbish we threw out yesterday disappears as if there was a miracle.

Actually, there’s no miracle but the hard work of sanitation workers to which we may not pay much attention.

Our clean environment is exchanged by the health of sanitation workers.
Our clean environment is exchanged by the health of sanitation workers.
Sanitation workers work in silence at late night to turn our road from dirty to clean.
Sanitation workers work in silence at late night to turn our road from dirty to clean.

Building workers

It’s said that the most typical feature which shows the development of a civilization is its constructions.

Therefore, with a developing city like Vinh City, quick completion of great constructions is always the top priority. 

It means that building workers usually have to work overnight to move up the progress. Hence, don’t be surprised if one morning, you pass by a construction building and realize that it has been much taller than the day before.

Building workers are usually under pressure of racing with the time.
Building workers are usually under pressure of racing with the time.
Working as a building worker is one of the hardest job about both energy consumption and working time.
Working as a building worker is one of the hardest job about both energy consumption and working time.

Food sellers at wholesale markets

In order to supply fresh food to consumers everyday, food wholesale markets always work overnight, from 11pm to 5am. Working at night seems to be a habit of the food sellers at these markets.

The bustle of selling and buying in food wholesale market happens even though the whole city is sleeping.
The bustle of selling and buying in food wholesale market happens even though the whole city is sleeping.
 This vegetable seller takes time to have a nap after staying awake all day long to buy goods for the next day.
This vegetable seller takes time to have a nap after staying awake all day long to buy goods for the next day.

And many other people…

To earn a living, many people have to work when we are sleeping. Not many people really want to do these tough jobs. Therefore, if you are able to go home and gather with your family, then go to bed on time, feel lucky and give thanks to people who are working at night to complete parts of our nonstop lives.

Sometimes, late at night, in the middle of our sleep, we still hear some words from a street cry of a bread seller who works regardless of day or night.

Reporter: Phan Minh

Translator: Hien Nguyen

tin mới

"Tài chính vững vàng- sẵn sàng bứt phá" từ BAC A BANK. Ảnh: BAB

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Xuân Hoàng

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Nỗ lực ‘đánh thức’ báu vật du lịch Pù Mát

Nỗ lực ‘đánh thức’ báu vật du lịch Pù Mát

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BNI vùng Thanh Nghệ Tĩnh kỷ niệm 10 năm thành lập

BNI vùng Thanh Nghệ Tĩnh kỷ niệm 10 năm thành lập

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Xây dựng thương hiệu, nâng tầm giá trị cốt lõi

Xây dựng thương hiệu, nâng tầm giá trị cốt lõi

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Giá vàng

Vàng trong nước giảm nhẹ; Tỷ giá Yen Nhật bật tăng

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Bước chuyển mình ở vùng đất khó Thanh Tùng

Bước chuyển mình ở vùng đất khó Thanh Tùng

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Nghệ An trồng thử nghiệm giống sắn mới kháng bệnh khảm lá

Nghệ An trồng thử nghiệm giống sắn mới kháng bệnh khảm lá

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