Military course: Grown-up students, satisfied parents

07/06/2016 09:59

( - On 5th June morning, more than 500 little soldiers set out for “Military course 2016”. An interview with Mr. Duong Hoang Vu - Vice Secretary of Provincial Youth Union, Chief Organizer about this program had been recorded.

Students are instructed on first-aid skills in Military course.
Students are instructed on first-aid skills in Military course.

Journalist: This is the sixth year Provincial Youth Union of Nghe An has implemented the program “Military course”. What do you think of the effectiveness and the spread of this program up to now?

Mr. Duong Hoang Vu: “Military course” is a program aiming at educating students about patriotism and national pride; enhancing their responsibility towards the society; strengthen their belief in heroic tradition and raising their awareness upon good characteristics of Uncle Ho’s soldiers.

Besides, the program also creates great chances for students to train their personality, discipline and consistency, so that they can be braver and more confident to face and overcome challenges in life.

Started from 2011, through the last 5 years of deployment, the Provincial Youth Union has done well with these above objectives and ranked 1 amongst 15 units who received a certificate of merit from Central Youth Union and General Political Department of the Vietnam People’s Army for “Military course”, 2012-1015 period.

The efficacy and spread of this program have also been proved. Starting with only 60 participants in the first year, in the fifth year, there were 350 students taking part in the course and this year - the sixth year, the Board of Organization received nearly 2,000 applications and had to choose more than 500 students among them as attendees.

Many parents showed their satisfaction about improvements of their children after finishing this course and the children themselves were also excited with the training and expressed that they wanted to stay longer in the course or even participate one more times.

Such results were a great success as well as a huge motivation for us – the organizers to continue.

Journalist: So what are the new features of this year’s course in comparison with previous ones?

Mr. Duong Hoang Vu: This year, the program will focus on 3 main subjects including “Trial Soldiers”, “The Pilgrimage to the Origin” and “Experience and Explore”.

“Trial Soldiers” equips trainees with basic regulations and skills of a soldier; “The Pilgrimage to the Origin” gives them opportunities to visit historical sites and take part in gratitude activities, volunteer jobs and other extracurricular activities; while “Experience and Explore” allows the little soldiers to explore themselves about their own personality, passions or simply their feelings when staying away from their families.

The Board of Organization also concentrates on content of lessons which are suitable for adolescents. Trainers will be chosen carefully to orient students to beautiful values in the life.

In addition to tough lessons about disciplines, participants also have chances to meet and interact with famous artists so that they can relax and be open-hearted.

Journalist: How do the organizers prepare for “Military Course” 2016?

Mr. Duong Hoang Vu: The program is carried out by the co-operation between Provincial Youth Union, Military Academy of 4th Military Region and Provincial Department of Education and Training.

Provincial Youth Union is responsible for assigning tasks, preparing lessons and organizing extracurricular activities; Military Academy of 4th Military Region is in charge of arranging places and facilities while recruiting participants is the duty of Provincial Department of Education and Training.

We also recruit nearly 100 volunteers to support us during the course.

Journalist: What would you like to say to students of the course and their parents?

Mr. Duong Hoang Vu: To the students, please strictly follow management, instructions and other regulations which are set by the class, trainers and operators; actively participate in activities of the course and do your best to overcome yourselves and grow up after this session.

To the parents, I hope they will support and co-ordinate with the organizers to ensure the success of the program.

Journalist: Thank you for the interview.

Reporter: Phuong Thao

Translator: Hien Nguyen