"4-lingual" H'Mong doctor and his unbelievable cases

(Baonghean.vn) - Local people in Mai Son, Nhon Mai, Huu Khuong commune or even in Laos provides many praises to Dr. Va Ba Tua in the medical center of Nhon Mai commune (Tuong Duong). The doctor has saved many lives and those cures are also amazing to hear and to know.

Dr. Va Ba Tua is visiting a pediatric patient.
Dr. Va Ba Tua is visiting a pediatric patient.

Unforgettable midwifery experiences

In 2006, a pregnant woman in Na Luc (Nhon Mai) got placenta stick to her uterus. After 3 hours struggling, her family was about to break the placenta by pulling it out of the uterus. As Dr. Tua came, the woman’s uterus had shrunk and her abdominal had been distention up.

It would take a day for them to reach the local hospital, and the situation was at emergency, so Dr. Tua decided to take the entire placenta out of the uterus by his bare hand. Just after 15 minutes, the woman was back from death and her child is now 10-year old.

In another case was when Dr. Tua came to Na Hi (Nhon Mai) for an emerging case in giving birth. It was around 3 a.m., people came to him because one woman had failure to progress during the whole night and fell into coma. Dr. Tua quickly came to the home and concluded that it was a breech presentation after examined. Stayed calm, Dr. Tua performed required procedure to change the baby to the normal head-down presentation. The woman and her child were then in a safe condition before Dr. Tua left at 7 a.m. to his office.

Seldom broken-arm reformation

In 2007, an adolescence habited in Hoi Co (Nhon Mai) went hunting with his handmade gun. The gun robbed the trigger and caused a terrible damage which blew away everything except bonds from his elbow to underneath parts. Dr. Tua did the tourniquet to the victim and asked his family to take him to local hospital. However, blaming that there was neither money nor anything to sell in their home, they refused.

Dr. Tua knew that the victim would be in danger if the situation had continued; Dr. Tua decided to cut the elbow horizontally to avoid necrosis from extending to the whole arm. After that, he disinfected the wound and used absorbable surgical suture to close it. He stayed there for a week to take care of the victim who had high-dose antibiotics and fluid injection every single day of the week.

Dr. Tua never took any piece of return from his patients because, as he said, “everybody here is as poor as the others”. Another interesting fact about him is that he is able to speak 4 different ethnic languages of Kinh, H’Mong, Thai, Khmu.

Reporters: Dao Tho - Huu Vi

Translator: Phuong Thu

tin mới

Cháy rừng ban đêm ở xã Nam Thái, Nam Đàn. Ảnh: PV

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Tại xã Diễn Đoài, huyện Diễn Châu từ ngày 1/4 đến nay UBND xã đã lập chốt ngay tại cửa rừng ở xóm Xuân Sơn, nhằm kiểm soát người ra vào rừng. Điểm chốt này luôn có lực lượng dân quân tự vệ, công an xã, cán bộ lâm nghiệp túc trực 24/24h. Ảnh: Văn Trường

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Các huyện vùng cao ngăn suối để chắt nước cứu lúa

(Baonghean.vn) - Đợt nắng nóng kéo dài liên tục những ngày vừa qua đã khiến nhiều diện tích lúa ở các huyện miền núi Quỳ Châu, Quế Phong bị thiếu nước. Đơn vị quản lý thuỷ lợi cùng bà con nông dân phải ngăn suối để chắt nước, sử dụng máy bơm dầu dã chiến dồn sức chống hạn cứu lúa.