Crossed-bred cows in Nghi Loc

( – In recent years, Nghi Loc district has improved and enhanced the quality of its herbs by crossbreeding with imported Sindh. At the moment, the number of Sindh-crossbred cows has reached 14,705 individuals, accounted 52% the whole herd, and increased by more than 7,000 compared to that of 2 years ago.

Sindh-crossbred cows have several advantages , such as heavier, better meat-productivity and quality, so it is preferred by customers.
Sindh-crossbred cows have several advantages , such as heavier, better meat-productivity and quality, so it is preferred by customers.

Mr. Duong Quoc Trinh, an inhabitant of hamlet 14, Nghi Thuan district, has participated into the cattle quality improvement project supported by local authorities, and, with his family, has conducted artificial insemination for 4 local female cows.

After 2 years, Mr. Trinh has obtained 8 crossbred calves, and within 5 months, he has got calves to be sold at 18 to 20 million per individual, indicated an increase of 7 million per individual in comparison with traditional yellow species.

The movement of raising Sindh-crossbred cattle has been developed significantly in 30 communes and towns in Nghi Loc district. The total number of cows and bulls in the area is more than 26,000 at the moment, in which there are 14,705 (52%) Sindh-crossbred individuals.

Owing to heavier weight, better meat-productivity and quality, this type of cows is favored by customers and highly priced.

In Nghi Loc district, Sindh-crossbred cows provide more than 1,300 tons of beef each year to the local market and nearby regions, worth around 11 billion VND. That impressive number helps cow breeding increase its contribution to the whole agriculture section to over 42%. Since 2013, cross breeding female Sindh-crossbred with other lines such as Brahman, Drought Master has been a highlight in cow breeding in Nghi Loc.

This is one of the approaches that might help the district to reach its goal of increasing the cow number by 2.5%/year until 2020. In order to get the goal done, People’s Committee of the district has consigned Agricultural Encouragement Centre to strengthen the propaganda on building Sindh-crossbred model throughout the district.

To improve the herd in this way, along with building an insemination-based network, Nghi Loc district receives from the province more than 1,500 doses of sperm annually. In the first quarter this year, Agricultural Encouragement Centre of Nghi Loc has dispatched 800 sperm doses originated from USA and provided them to its branches.

Some central communes like Nghi Dien, Nghi Van, Nghi Trung, Nghi Long, Nghi Thuan, Nghi Hoa have Sindh-crossbred percentage of 60-70%. Particularly, in Nghi Dong commune, 8 out of 25 farms have a business of more than 15 Sindh-crossbred cows.

To support the cattle improvement program, the regional agriculture department assigned Agricultural Encouragement Cetre of Nghi Loc to have a contract with Livestock Breeding Centre of Nghe An, in which there should be commitments of adequate support in Sindh sperms, nitrogen gas as well as other materials needed to the artificial insemination in the area.

Reporters: Thu Hien – Nhat Tuan

Translator: Phuong Thu


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